الخميس، 23 أبريل 2009


Ibn Seena: His full name is Abu Ali Al Hassan Ibn Abdulla Ibn Seena.. He was born in the year 980 in Bukhara and wrote 276 books..

Al Razi: His full name is Abu Bakr Al Razi.. He was born in the year 865 and died in 925.. He has more than 224books..

Al Tabari: His full name is Ibn Al Hassan Ben moh'd Al Tabri.. He was born in the year 933 and died in 979..

Al Zahrawi: His full name is Abu Al Qassim Khalaf Ben Al Abbas Al Zahrawirelated to Al Zahra Town near Qurduba.. He was born in the year 936 and died in 1023..

Al Khawarzmi: Abu Abdulla Moh'd.. He was born in the Islamic year 232..

Abu Al Hassan Thabit Ben Qura.. He was born in the 836 in Hauran..

Jashmeed Ben Mahmood Ben Musood which called Ghiyath Al Deen.. He was born in Kashan so he was called Al khashai according to this city..

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